Welcome! This website represents expert Vedic Astrology Services brought to you by Ken Krumpe from Maui who is the International Coordinator for Pundit Ramanand Shastri who lives in India. Ken & Pundit Shastri have been working together for over 35 years providing the best quality Yagyas and Readings available. You will receive your chart via e-mail in an easy to follow format. Many people are enjoying the great benefits of this unique service where you can gain a deeper understanding of where your life is going and how to augment your positive karma and mitigate the negative influences that you have brought with you into this life time.
Dear Friends,
In light of recent developments in the USA, I wanted to share with you some predictions for the USA and the world from Pundit Shastri.
On January 1st, 2021, I spoke with Pundit Shastri by phone. He always does the Readings for the World Horoscope and USA Horoscope on New Years Day. He is one of the few who has the skill and knowledge to do this.
He said for the past 5-6 years, but especially the last 4 years, politics in the USA have been dominated by anger and resentment. He said this is all going to change starting now. He said there will be a very big shift in the USA with much better and more harmonious government coming forward this year. He said this will get well underway especially from Jan 15th to Jan 25th, 2021. I told him that that was interesting because Joe Biden becomes President on Jan 20th. He said that government on all levels federal, state and county levels will really start to get better and with that there will be a great improvement in the health and prosperity of the country.
The ruling planets for this year will be Jupiter and Venus. Jupiter stands for wisdom/knowledge/banking and Venus is harmony, Happiness, the feminine. These are considered the 2 most benefic planets by their influence. These will be strong/dominant for the entire world this year but especially the USA
By the way last Jan 1st, 2020 he predicted a change in President of the USA. I asked “by impeachment or election?” He said “by election” So some Happy New Years Hope,
Love and Aloha, Ken
Enlightened Living Enterprises Charitable Corporation is a non-profit corporation organized and operated for charitable and educational purposes. We are dedicated to keeping alive the age old tradition of Vedic Astrology, Mantras and Yoga by instructing the public on how Vedic Astrology is useful to individuals and beneficial to the public. To fulfill these purposes we support 350 Vedic priests and their families in India. In return, the priests conduct prayer ceremonies in a Vedic Temple to create world peace. We also send contributions for the construction of a Vedic Temple where prayers called Yagyas can be preformed. These Yagyas are also performed in concert with Hindu celebrations throughout the year such as Navaratri, Laxmi Day, the Day of Ganesh Yagyas to other Hindu gods such as Shiva and Vishnu. To order Yagyas Click here to go to our Yagya website.
Recently Ken was interviewed by a Radio Station called Elevated Radio. The interviews went deeply into Medical Astrology and the difference between Western and Vedic Astrology. We think you will find these interviews very informative. Just click on the arrows and enjoy!
Click below to make a donation to build a Vedic Temple for the Pundits
Click below to Donate for a World Peace Yaga
World renowned Jyotish Pundit Ramanand Shastri comes from a traditional family of Jyotish Pundits dating back over 1200 years. Pundit Shastri is the 41st generation of Jyotishis in his family. With over 45 years of experience, Pundit Shastri has helped tens of thousands of people in over 55 countries with Jyotish readings and yagya and gemstone recommendations. “We have arranged thousands of consultations for Pundit Shastri. Almost everyone who has had a reading by him has been amazed at how accurate he is with his insights and predictions. If you have important questions about your life or your future, accuracy of prediction is what you want. If you are thinking about getting married, starting a business, going on a trip, beginning a new career or worried about your health, he is the one to consult. If you are not getting support of nature, or things are going wrong in your life, Pundit Shastri can tell you why, and prescribe remedial measures such as yagyas and gemstones to help you achieve a more successful happy and healthy life. “Over the past 25 years we have had consultations with dozens of Jyotishis but none has made more accurate predictions for us”
We offer Life Readings, One Year Progression, Three or Five Year Progressions. Included in the reading is Yagya Recommendation and Jyotish Gemstone Recommendation. We also offer Muhurtas which are auspicious beginning times to begin a business, journey, build a house or start any new venture. We offer business compatibilities between partners and also marriage compatibilities. We also offer Vedic Kavacha and Yantras which are amulets for prosperity, business success, good health and protection from black magic or dark souls.
Pundit Shastri now coordinates 350 Yagya Pundits. These Pundits perform top quality Yagyas from the Jyotir Math Tradition in India. They are located in Gaya, India. He offers numerous Planetary and Special Intention Yagyas.