Birth Time Rectification

Birth Time Rectification

Click below to order a Birth Time Rectification for $185

Accuracy of prediction depends on the accuracy of one’s birth time.  Even a few minutes inaccuracy in birth time can seriously affect accurate predictions. If you are not sure of the accuracy of your birth time, Pundit Shastri can find your actual and correct birth time. However, more detailed information regarding events in your life is needed in addition to the general application.  Please give the following information to the best of your knowledge.

“Since Pt. Shastriji corrected my birth time, the progression reading is substantially more accurate.  In fact, I would say it the predictions are accurate to the day. That has made the reading all the more useful.  Thank you”

Please copy and paste the following form on to an email or a word doc and email it to us at  OR

Name:            First                                          Last:                                             

Birth date:    month        day       year          Approx Birth time:   hr.     Min  

Birth Place:                                                   Current Occupation:


**Please list birth days and years for each brother and sister and each child below. 

No need to list birth time or birth place just day, month and year for each child or sibling.

  1. Number of Brothers                                   2 .Number of Sisters

Younger                                                           Younger                                              

Younger                                                           Younger

Older                                                                 Older

Older                                                                 Older


  1. Number of Children  (name & birthday)

Son(s)                                                   Age                 Age

Daughter(s)                                         Age                 Age


  1. Deceased Family Members

Father                                                  Date

Mother                                                 Date

Other                                                   Date


  1. List any serious accidents or illness in your life especially if hospitalized.     

Type of illness or accident                                 Dates

Type of illness or accident                                 Dates


  1. Significant Journeys:

Journey #1                               Beginning Date                         Ending Date

Journey #2                               Beginning Date                         Ending Date


  1. Marriage Date                                    Divorce Date  


  1. Your Height                                        Your Weight


  1. Decision Making Ability

( ). Quick to make, quick to change

( )  Slow to make, slow to change

( )  Decisive & sure   


  1. Explain any important details friends or family members may remember about the time of your birth,( e.g.: the sun was coming up, after midnight, etc.)