Ken Krumpe, owner and founder of Enlightened Living Enterprises has had the opportunity since 1980 to work with and learn from some of the most prominent Ayurvedic Physicians in India and America. This experience inspired Ken to create a truly unique Ayurvedic herbal formula for himself that he has been taking for the past eight years. He calls it Ken’s Cosmic Tonic.
Ken and Janet have been taking this preparation each night with one cup of warm milk or water before bed. It helps to rejuvenate the entire body during sleep, promotes sound sleep, calms the nerves and creates physical strength, helps cleanse the blood and balances all three doshas.
This preparation contains eight of the most beneficial herbs in Ayurveda including:
Brahmi-The name Brahmi means the energy of universal consciousness. One of the most important herbs in Ayurveda, it calms the mind, brain and entire nervous system. Brahmi enhances intelligence, memory, concentration and longevity and is renowned for promoting lustrous healthy hair.
Shankhapushpi- Excellent herb for supporting proper functioning of the brain and nervous system; Promotes healthy blood flow to the brain and is said to stimulate higher brain functions. Promotes intelligence and creativity; Good for insomnia, strengthening and purifying the blood.
Ashwagandha-One of the most strengthening herbs in the world, Ashwagandha is anti aging, strengthens virility, vitality and strength, calms the nerves and reduces excess mucus. It relieves stress, anxiety, muscle pain, overwork, and insomnia.
Shatavari-Nutritive tonic for men and women that is calming, cooling and soothing. It soothes and nurtures the membranes of the lungs, stomach and kidneys. It calms the mind and is said to promote love and devotion. It is also good female reproductive organs and menopause.
Licorice root- A naturally sweet nourishing tonic that promotes proper functioning of the respiratory system, clear comfortable breathing and removes excess mucus from the stomach and lungs, calms the mind and promotes contentment and harmony.
Arjuna-Strengthens and tones heart muscle tissues and promotes proper function of the cardiovascular system, purifies the blood and helps build strong blood cells, strengthens bones and helps heal fractures, reduces excess fat, and helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels already within normal range. Promotes emotional balance, courage and inner strength; Soothing effect on grief and sadness.
Gokshura-Calms the nerves and balances all three doshas. Gokshura supports proper functioning of the urinary tract system including the prostate. Good for men’s and women’s reproductive systems. Gokshura is useful in reducing pain and is a good rejuvenative tonic.
Bala- Bala means strength and has a strengthening tonic effect for the entire body. It has a Soothing affect on the muscles, calms the nerves, and is good for general debility and undernourishment.
All herbs used in Ken’s Cosmic Tonic are certified organic. There are no preservatives or additives of any kind. Shelf life is six months without refrigeration.
Ken takes 1-2 tablespoons of his Cosmic Tonic with one cup of 2% organic warm milk before bed. He finds that it is so soothing he has trouble staying awake more than 15 minutes and sleeps much more deeply. Fresh ginger can be shredded and added to the warm milk to aid digestion of the milk and prevent mucus.
This preparation can be taken along with a Shilajit capsule for even deeper sleep and rejuvenation. Shilajit provides all of the essential minerals needed for the mind and body. Sound sleep oil on the forehead before bed can bring even more profound rest.
You can click on the menu tabs above to read more about Shilajit and Sound Sleep oil.
We invite all of you to try Ken’s Cosmic Tonic which can be used by men, women and children to help neutralize toxins in the body, heal frayed nerves and rejuvenate the physiology while you sleep. We find that this tonic is especially beneficial for seniors. Ken’s favorite thing about this mixture is its mildly sweet pleasant taste.
Because of the food nature of this product, we cannot accept returns. All sales are final.
I just retired from nursing last summer and have been taking your tonic in coconut milk nightly. It has helped me so much in recovering from total body exhaustion.
I received the tonic and sleep oil this past Wednesday and it’s already working like magic. I couldn’t believe the time on the clock this morning when it said it was 8:24 a.m. I went to sleep around 11:30 p.m. so, that was an amazingly long, deep sleep for sure. I feel very nourished from the tonic and feel that it reset me on a very deep level which allowed the anxiety to drop way, way down.
“I’m thrilled with the cosmic tonic. I have to say, I have been getting the most sound and restful sleep than what I have gotten in a long time.”
I really, really like this blend. I have a lot of digestive problems and wanted you to know I believe it really helps in a hot cup of milk before bed. Thanks so much!
“I started taking the tonic with milk and ginger. Big difference. It not only tastes great, but also becomes a nourishing beverage/snack in the middle of the day.”
Click below to purchase 10oz bag for $30 + $15 USA shipping = $45