Affordable Sthapatya Veda Consultations with
Pundit Ramanand Shastri
Pundit Ramanand Shastri, as most of you know, is a very great expert in Vedic Astrology. He comes from a family tradition of Vedic Astrologers that goes back almost 1200 years. What most people don’t know is that Pundit Shastri is also a leading expert in Vedic Architecture or Sthapatya Veda.
Pundit Shastri can do a Sthapatya Veda consultation and recommendation for your individual needs.

For more information or to request a consultation, call Ken Krumpe 808-876-1370 We can take credit cards over the phone to customize your needs.
Sthapatya Veda Consultation
With Pundit Ramanand Shastri
Application Form
Please carefully fill out the information requested.
Accuracy of dates and times is of utmost importance.
Name: ______________________________________
Date of Birth:
Day_____ Month: please write out________________ Year_________
Time of Birth:
Hour_____ Minutes ______Seconds _______AM or PM? ______________
Place of Birth:
City__________________State_____________ Country____________
If you were born in a small town, note the closest city with a population of 10,000 or more and in what direction this city is from your birth place.
1) Put your elbow on a table with hand straight up in the air. Measure the distance between the top of the table (your elbow) to the tip of your ring finger of the right hand. What is this measurement in inches? __________
Note: This measurement should be done for the head of the household/owner of the house.
2) What city and State do you plan to build your new house in? City__________________________State__________________
3) What is the elevation of the land you plan to build on? __________ (in feet)
4) What is the slope of the land? _____________________ (give in degrees)
5) In what direction does the land slope? ____________________________
6) What are the property measurements in feet for each side of your property? _____________________(provide a drawing or map of your property if possible)
7) Are there any mountains, rivers, lakes or oceans within 2 miles of your property or on your property? ______________
If, Yes: Please give the distance and direction from where your home will
8) Please give the length and width of the house you plan to build_________________________ (in feet and inches)